The Lie Behind the Lie Detector

The Lie Behind the Lie Detector – and how to beat a polygraph

The Lie Behind the Lie Detector – and how to beat a polygraph is now out in its fifth edition. The free book outlines the history of the lie detector, the science behind polygraphs and why they are highly unreliable bordering to plain pseudoscience. The authors George W. Maschke and Gino J. Scalabrini, who runs the website, takes the reader through the most common misconceptions about the lie detectors and tell the stories about some prominent scandals involving the misuse of lie detectors. The book even has several chapters on how to manipulate the results of most common used polygraphs. It is easier than you might think. From the book:

If, for some reason, you still feel compelled to submit to a polygraph interrogation, some reasonable safeguards you may wish to
adopt include:
1. Refuse to sign any agreement stipulating that the polygraph
results will be admissible as evidence in court;
2. Insist that your lawyer or advisor be present with you during the entire
polygraph session;
3. Refuse to submit to any “post-test” interrogation;
4. Insist that the entire polygraph session be video recorded (or
at a minimum audio recorded) and that a copy of the recording be made available to you immediately upon completion
of the session.

A second approach is to be completely honest with your polygraph operator. Tell him that you know the lie behind the lie detector. Explain to him that you understand that the true purpose of the “stim test” is to dupe you into believing in the validity of polygraphic lie detection. Tell him that you understand the trickery behind “control” question “tests”—whether probable- or directed-lie. Explain that you understand the difference between “control,” relevant, and irrelevant questions and that you have studied and know how to employ polygraph countermeasures. Give the detective a printout of this book to prove it in a way that he will not be able to later deny. Explain to him that you are not a suitable candidate for polygraphic interrogation, and request that your polygraph “testing” be waived.

Download the free book The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (232 pages/ 3.75 MB) here:

The Lie Behind the Lie Detector

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