The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation by Padma Sambhava

The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation or, the Method of Realizing Nirvana Through Knowing the Mind is the last of four books in the The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation PDF EbookTibetan series, where The Tibetan Book of the Dead, is the first book of the series which describes Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, psychology and metaphysics. The second book in the series is called Tibets Greatest Yogi Milarepa and is the story of a great yogi who puts into practice most of what we learn from The Tibetan Book of the Dead. It is through the story of Milarepa that we learn more about The Tibetan Book of the Dead. In the story of Milarepa the yogi studies the Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path as taught to him by his gurus. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines, the third book in the series, is an expansion that explains those wisdoms and describes the yoga that is used to achieve them. The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation is a three act book which ties together everything learned from the other three books. Essentially the start of the book develops a clearer understanding of the metaphysics associated with the first three books in the form of a general introduction. The book then lays out the premise for a type of yoga practice called the Supreme Path or Mahayana, that was created to serve as an instant enlightenment yoga. The middle section of the book is devoted to the guru Padma-Sambhava who brought this yoga to Buddhists in the eighth century. The latter part of the book expounds on that yoga in a full translation.

The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation The Method of Realizing Nirvanna Through Knowing
The book lays out the premise for a type of yoga practice called the Supreme Path or Mahayana, that was created to serve as an instant enlightenment yoga
Written by: Padma Sambhava
Published by:
Edition: First English version 1954
Available in: Ebook

Download The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation or, the Method of Realizing Nirvana Through Knowing the Mind by Padma Sambhava here:

PDFbookThe Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation Padma Sambhava

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