Choiceless Awareness by Krishnamurti

Choiceless Awareness by Krishnamurti Free PDF
Choiceless Awareness by Krishnamurti

Choiceless Awareness by J. Krishnamurti is a compilation of transcripts of public talks held in Bangalore and New Delhi in 1948. There is also a chapter with transcripts from a radio broadcasted speach. These talks are also known as the volume 5 of Krishnamurti’s works. Download it here (178 pages):

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What are the teachings of Krishnamurti?

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986) was a philosopher, speaker, and writer, whose teachings have inspired millions worldwide. His philosophy was not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but rather focused on the understanding of the mind and human relationships. The essence of Krishnamurti’s teachings can be distilled into several key themes:

1. The Pursuit of Truth and Freedom

Krishnamurti emphasized the importance of personal truth and freedom. He believed that truth is a pathless land, and each individual must find their own path to understanding. He encouraged people to free themselves from the constraints of organized religion and societal norms, advocating for a direct understanding of life and reality.

2. Understanding the Self

A central aspect of Krishnamurti’s philosophy was the deep understanding of the self. He believed that self-knowledge is crucial for freedom and true wisdom. By understanding one’s own mind, thoughts, and feelings, individuals can free themselves from conditioning and conflict.

3. Questioning and Awareness

Krishnamurti urged people to question everything, including their own beliefs and motivations. He promoted a state of constant inquiry and awareness, believing that this approach leads to a deeper understanding of life and oneself.

4. Relationships and Love

He placed great importance on human relationships and love, seeing them as vital to understanding the self and the world. He believed that true love is devoid of possessiveness and dependency and that it arises from understanding and compassion.

5. Education and Learning

Krishnamurti had a unique perspective on education. He believed in fostering an environment where students can explore and understand themselves, rather than just acquiring knowledge. His approach to education was holistic, focusing on the development of the whole human being.

6. Meditation and the Mind

Meditation, for Krishnamurti, was not a practice of controlling the mind but rather observing it. He taught that through silent observation of the mind, without judgment, one can gain insight into its workings and thus bring about a transformation in consciousness.

7. Conflict and Violence

He frequently spoke about the nature of conflict and violence, both in the individual and in society. Krishnamurti believed that these arise from our inner conflicts and conditioning, and that understanding oneself is the key to resolving these issues.


Krishnamurti’s teachings are marked by a profound understanding of the human condition and a relentless quest for truth. His message transcends traditional boundaries, speaking directly to the universal concerns of understanding oneself and living in harmony with others and the world. His teachings continue to resonate, offering insights into the nature of the mind, reality, and the essence of a life lived in true freedom.


2 thoughts on “Choiceless Awareness by Krishnamurti”

  1. I find the lack of what mind is. It is the higher resolution of the mind that enables wisdom that is the total awareness. The beyond is a complex problem. JK Ji has done the home work in his previous lives and so, he got it. For others, it is complex and very slow progress! Reading however opens up the thinking process!

  2. You are a great man, and tried best efforts for the people in the direction of self awareness. Best wishes from the bottom of my heart.



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