Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda

Karma and Bhakti yogaKarma Yoga is a free ebook based on lectures the Swami Vivekananda delivered in America in  December, 1895 and January, 1896. Generally the Swami held two classes daily- morning and evening.  Although the Swami delivered many lectures and held numerous classes in the two years and five months he had been in America, these lectures constituted a departure in the way they were recorded. Just prior to the commencement of his Winter -95-96 season in NYC, his friends and supporters aided him by advertising for and ultimately hiring a professional stenographer: The man selected, Joseph Josiah Goodwin, later became a disciple of the Swami and followed him to England and India. Karma Yoga is a set of lectures by Swami Vivekananda on the subject, one of the several yogic paths to enlightenment (see also Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga by the same author). Karma Yoga is a mental discipline which allows one to carry out one’s duties as a service to the entire world, as a path to enlightenment. By working in the real world, but giving up attachment to work, we can obtain spiritual liberation. Vivekananda discusses the concept of Karma in the Bhagavada-Gita, and singles out the Buddha as a primary example of this form of yoga.

Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga
Karma Yoga is a set of lectures by Swami Vivekananda on the subject, one of the several yogic paths to enlightenment
Written by: Swami Vivekananda
Published by: Ramakrishna Vivekanada Center
ISBN: 0911206221
Available in: Ebook

Download the ebook Karma Yoga here:

PDF downloadKarma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda


26 thoughts on “Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda”

  1. Two sides of the same coin. Theta and Gamma frequencies by scientific analysis of Lama in Lab testing is only one of HH Dalai Lamas 14 scientific suggest studies or projects done to date. Watching the parts of the brain light up with Lama in Alpha, Beta, Theta and high level Gamma Consciousness is cutting edge science.

    You don’t have to believe. You can enjoy one side of the coin.

    But appreciate do recognize the 17 unique references to a ‘Higher Power or God’ made in the personal journals and writings by Albert Einstein, Nobel Winner.

    Inescapable. And doesn’t need belief or understanding. The Greater Good, the supra-Consciousness of Jungian philosophy is good enough. Collective Unconsciousness.

    Tapping into that we all realize our unique purpose and higher awareness of self, others, life. Psychology 101.

    Best regards,

    Mingme Dorje
    Student of Eastern Studies


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